ARM Group Enterprises (ARME) is proud to announce that Brandon Grau has been recognized by his mentor Chris Finton for identifying a significant potential safety hazard (overpressured compressor/hydraulic lines) while overseeing the drilling and construction of monitoring wells at a recent job site. Brandon discussed the potential hazard during a morning tailgate safety discussion and asked that all personnel stay away from the side of the drilling rig that contained the compressor. A hydraulic line later overpressured and blew, emitting hydraulic oil that combusted (likely from the heat of the compressor) and formed a fireball. The drilling contractor acted quickly to shut down the rig and suppress the fire on the rig and surrounding site. Brandon's foresight, observations, and safety focus may very well have saved a life or prevented significant injury and burns. “I want to thank him for focusing on his safety as well as the safety of those around him”, says Chris.
Thank you, Brandon, for putting the well-being of our people first and staying safety-focused!